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Our Partners

At QFC we continuously develop relationships with the global financial and business community and other key institutions, within and outside Qatar to serve our purpose of helping in diversifying the economy in line with the Qatar National Vision 2030.

Microsoft QSTP - LLC

Collaborating on a host of initiatives that support Qatar's smart country transformation and enhance the country’s digital competitiveness.


Working on a number of initiatives driving entrepreneurship and innovation, including:

  • Digital Cluster
  • Digital Financial Solutions
  • Innovation Incubator

Qatar Science & Technology Park (QSTP), Supreme Committee for Delivery & Legacy

Improving the national innovation ecosystem by launching a collaborative initiative.

Paris Europlace

Collaborating in different fields that include:

  • Technology
  • Digital activities
  • Ancillary services

B-Hive Europe

Facilitating cooperation across several aspects including the promotion of business opportunities and knowledge sharing.

Finance Office of the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey (CBFO)

Collaborating on the guiding, assisting and establishing of passporting services for financial institutions in both Qatar and Turkey. Specifically, this includes connecting QFC-based entities and Istanbul Finance Center entities to Islamic financial markets in Central Asia and QFC-based commercial entities to Turkish and European markets.

Invest Hong Kong

Promoting both inward and outward investment in the Hong Kong SAR and Qatar.

Luxembourg for Finance

Advancing common interests of Luxembourg and Qatar financial institutions and developing further collaboration.

State of Qatar Logo Emblem

General Authority of Customs

Forming a joint working group that will tackle AML/CFT-related issues. The working group provides an effective mechanism to exchange information, enhance coordination and cooperation in the field of AML/CFT.

State of Qatar Logo Emblem

Regulatory Authority for Charitable Activities

Establishing a joint working group and providing an effective mechanism to exchange information; enhancing the coordination with regards to AML/CFT risks associated with fundraising.

Office of the United Nations Secretary-General's Humanitarian Envoy

Playing an active role in shedding much-needed light on key UN global and local humanitarian relief and sustainability issues and mobilising the private sector towards addressing these pressing concerns.

Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development

Exploring ways to support each other through initiatives such as entrepreneurship activities driven or initiated by Qatar's youth and empowering QF students to start businesses through QFC.


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