Convening experts from Qatar’s business, policy, and research communities, the special virtual event will provide an update by Roundtable members as well as discuss the idea of institutionalising the work of the Roundtable under a 2-year revolving sponsorship of an existing stakeholder in order to better expand its programme and outreach.
Each workstream set up during the previous in-person event will brief the Roundtable on its subject area and activities. Additionally, as its host, QFC will share an update on the state of its affairs and activities.
11:00 AM – 11:05 AM Opening Remarks Henk J. Hoogendoorn Managing Director of Financial Service Office, Qatar Financial Centre Chief Executive Officer, QFC
11:05 AM – 11:10 AM Welcoming Remarks Nejla Ben Mimoune Research Assistant, Brookings Doha Center (Lead organiser of the previous and current Economists’ Roundtables)
11:10 AM – 11:20 AM Institutional Update – QFC State of Affairs: Seizing Opportunities Amid Uncertainty Thaddeus Malesa Senior Advisor, Economics & Research, QFC
11:20 AM – 11:30 AM Workstream 1 – Enhancing Qatar’s Competitiveness & FDI Nejla Ben Mimoune Research Assistant, Brookings Doha Center
11:30 AM – 11:40 AM Workstream 2 – Better Use of PSA Data for Policy Making Nader Kabbani Director of Research and Senior Fellow, Brookings Doha Center
11:40 AM – 11:50 PM Workstream 3 – Carbon Pricing Mechanism John Kilani Director of Sustainable Development, Al-Attiyah Foundation
11:50 AM – 12:00 AM Institutionalising the Economists’ Roundtable: An Update Nader Kabbani Director of Research and Senior Fellow, Brookings Doha Center