Operating with QFC

You mean to operate efficiently. We mean business.

We appreciate you need to know the regulations of operations in your prospective new country in order to operate within the law and be efficient, so we make them clear.

Our commercial and regulatory framework operates to international best practices, our Company Register is available to all, our Employment Standards Office that deals with all employment matters is independent and impartial and our legal framework and our legal and tax regimes are fair and clear.

QFC Legislation

The QFC operates to international standards and provides a best-in-class legal and business infrastructure for firms doing business in or from the QFC.

QFC’s commercial, regulatory environment and systems conform to international best practices which are separate from and independent of the host Qatari systems.

standards required and the legal environment will be familiar to businesses currently operating in major financial centres around the world. 

Contacts at Local Banks

As part of efforts to support our firms, the Client Affairs team has contacted all local banks in Qatar to raise awareness of the QFC and request focal points of contact for QFC firms. These dedicated contacts are familiar with the QFC and are interested in offering their banking services to QFC firms and employees.

A copy of the list will be provided as part of your welcome package.


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